Particles are really nice to see. usually we can see particle effects in most computer games . They appear as water fountain , flame, wind,sand, etc. It has infinite scope. Actully we can create anything using particles.. But it will depends on the speed of computer.
In this page i am trying to create a simple particle engine , which renders a water fountain. So what is a particle ? the first answer coming to my mind is it is a point , but this is not fully correct. It can be represented as a point , or triangle , or polygon etc. This will depends on the application which we are writing. For the creation of water fountain we can assume the following attributes for a particle.
It is represented a single point . (GL_POINT in opengl )
it has 3 dimensions.if follows gravity rules. ( if we are using gravity).
it has a specific acceleration in all directions. ( 3 directions , x , y z).
Above are the basic things to keep in mind. So now we can create a structure like this
struct Particles
double xPos,yPos,zPos;
double xAcc; // xAcc is a constant one.double yAcc; // this is a diminishing one due to the gravity.
#define XACC .05int YACC 1.0
now we can create a bunch of particles by declaring an array of Particles.
Particles fountain[MAX_NUMS];
Now we need to design in which way one particle travels. it can be like this in a X-Y plane ( now no depth)
o o
o o
o o
o o
so for simulating the movement of a single particle we need to make changes on both x , y .we can keep the x acceleration as constant number ( Particles::xAcc) . If u look the image more closely it can be seen that the acceleration in y direction is more compared to X , it is also decreasing due to gravity.
so we can do it like this, For each particle particle[i].x += XACC ( constant) , and particle[i].y += particle[i].yAcc; so initially this particle[i].yAcc is initialized to 1. after each rendering this will be decreased by the amount of gravity , like particle[i].yAcc-=gravity; so when the yAcc becomes -ve we will get a falling effect.
If a particles y value is -ve and x value is +ve it means that , that particles is falled down to ground. so we need to again reinitialize it position to zero , again sets its acceleration and gravity to the predefined value...
Till now we have drawn only particles in 2d space, ie we haven't changed the z value. we can do that by giving rotating about y axis. The pseudo code is shown below..
For(int i = 0; i < TOT_PARTICLE;i++)
for(int j = 10; j < 360 ; j+=90)
glRoate(j degrees in y axis);
Apply colors or textures.DrawParticle(particle[i].x,particle[i].y,particle[i].z);
ChangeAccleration(particle[i]); // here we are changing the accleration in both y and x direction
Now it is complete I am attaching a sample screen shot which i did with this idea. Hopes this may give some good starting for beginners who want to learn particles.
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i like C++
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